ACTEGA Rhenania
About ACTEGA Rhenania
At the site in Grevenbroich, ACTEGA develops and produces coatings and adhesives for flexible packaging made of aluminum, steel, tinplate, plastic and paper. The core competence lies in the development of colored product solutions for highly regulated markets such as the food and pharmaceutical industries, including applications for sterilization and thermoforming.

In 1915, Actega Rhenania was founded under the name Rhenania Chemische Gesellschaft mbH in Grevenbroich. Initially, the company specialized in producing paints for the wallpaper industry. However, in the mid-1980s, the company underwent a significant shift in focus. Since then, Actega Rhenania has concentrated on developing and manufacturing specialty coatings and adhesives specifically designed for the packaging industry.

ACTEGA Rhenania GmbH
Rhenaniastraße 29-37
41516 Grevenbroich
Phone +49 2181 294-0

Certifications and Ratings
The certifications obtained by ACTEGA's sites over the years demonstrate our efforts and commitment in various fields.

Conditions of Sale
Here are our terms and conditions of sale.

Conditions of Purchase
Here are our terms and conditions of purchase.

Information about our Grevenbroich site
The following document provides information to the general public as required by § 8a of the Hazardous Incident Ordinance.

Brand Promise
Our brand identity extends beyond our products and is focused on meeting our customers' needs.
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Note on the Implementation of the Packaging Regulation.