TPE for Toys
Very high demands are made of materials used for processing toys. ACTEGA is eminently familiar with the toy market and is regarded as an experienced expert in this area. Whether indoor or outdoor toys, toys for boys, girls, newborns or babies – the TPE materials selected for the tires on toy cars, for example, soft grips for toys or classic toy figures should not contain heavy metals, plasticizers, PAH or nitrosamines.

EN 71-3 conform & quite safe
DIN EN 71-3 “Safety of toys – Part 3: Migration of certain elements” specifies limit values for the various elements for extraction from toy material in an attempt to implement the Directive. These limit values were calculated on the basis of biologically available volumes in line with the Directive and by assuming a daily oral intake of 8 mg toy material. This standard has been valid since July 2013. Since then, manufacturers of toys for children, i.e. defined as products “designed or obviously intended for use by children up to the age of 14” have been obliged to provide evidence of adherence to these migration limits. Accordingly, the focus is on whether the product is aligned toward children of up to 14 years of age – and can therefore represent a ball, a music box or a toy car. Furthermore, there is an entire range of other directives and legislation in place.
The Washington Children’s Safe Product Act, for example, lists a range of chemicals of critical relevance which is why it makes sense to ask the fundamental question about the material used for the toy to be produced. Another focus on the part of the material manufacturer must be given to low migration, conformity with food standards and safety. SOFT EST.® TPE products comply with exactly these characteristics.

ACTEGA SOFT EST.® compounds for toys
Under the brand name SOFT EST.®, our TPE compounds solutions for toys are available in Shore hardnesses of A-20 to A-85, thereby providing an extensive scope for application. SOFT EST.® TPE for children's toys have been developed in such a way that they do not contain any PAH components, heavy metals, plasticizers or even nitrosamines.
Since December 2015, new and binding limit values have applied for PAH for all consumer products and toys sold in the EU. After many federal and state authorities as well as consumer protection organizations had in recent years found high levels of PAH (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) classified as a carcinogenic in toys etc., the Directive (EU) No. 1272/2013 specified “... that products with a PAH content exceeding the limit value may no longer be circulated among the general public if they contain parts which come into contact with skin or the oral cavity when used in normal situations”. This value was further reduced for toys and items for small children or infants and may not exceed 0.5 mg/kg.
Children's toys made from TPE do not usually stay in children's hands where they come into contact with skin but are also often put in children's mouths during play. That's why SOFT EST.® is a very good choice as a PAH-free, food-safe TPE.

Trends in the toy industry with environmentally friendly TPE
In the development of TPE compounds for use in toys, ACTEGA drew on its decades of experience in the manufacture of sealants for the food and drinks industry. The regulatory requirements governing the toy market are complex and were considered during the development of TPE. All highly-specialized TPE synthetic granulates developed by ACTEGA focus on product safety and consumer protection. Thanks to our knowledge of the market and close collaboration with manufacturers of toy products, we are constantly on the lookout for new trends which we integrate in the development and optimization of our TPE synthetic granulates. Against this backdrop, our material designers also pay particular attention to substances suspected of a possible harmful potential, even if they are not yet subject to any statutory monitoring or classification. For years, we have been working on alternatives on the basis of the precautionary principle – without impairing the respective material quality required – in order to offer safe and environmentally-friendly TPE compounds. By using SOFT EST.®, you rely on a safe TPE solution for your toy application which is sure to keep you on the safe side.
Our global brands for children's toys
TPE products specially tailored to the demands of manufacturers of consumer goods applications.
Do you have any questions? Contact us and we will be happy to advise you on your individual requirements.