General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery of ACTEGA Foshan Co. Ltd. 阿塔卡化工(佛山) 有限公司销售和交付的一般条款

(June 2024) (2026年6月版本)


1.1 These general terms and conditions of sales and delivery of ACTEGA Foshan Co. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Terms and Conditions") only apply to enterprises that fall under the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, that is, any natural person or legal entity that engages in commercial or independent professional activities when purchasing goods (hereinafter referred to as "Customer").阿塔卡化工(佛山) 有限公司销售和交付的一般条款。(以下简称“条款”)仅适用于属于《中华人民共和国民法典》规定的企业,即在购买货物时从事商业或独立专业活动的任何自然人或法人(以下简称“客户”)。

1.2 In the event that our Terms and Conditions are introduced into a transaction with the Customer, then our Terms and Conditions shall also apply to all future transactions with the Customer unless otherwise agreed to in writing. 如果我们的条款被应用于与客户的交易中,那么我们的条款也应适用于与客户的所有未来交易,除非另有书面约定。

1.3 Our Terms and Conditions shall apply to the exclusion of any other terms that the Customer seeks to impose or incorporate, or which are implied by trade, custom, practice or course of dealing. Customer shall not interpret our silence regarding any terms and conditions which the Customer seeks to impose as acceptance or agreement of them. 我们的条款应适用于排除客户试图强加或纳入的任何其他条款,或由贸易、习俗、惯例或交易过程隐含的任何其他条款。客户不得将我们对客户试图施加的任何条款的沉默解释为接受或同意。


2.1 Our delivery INCOTERMS are CIP (place mentioned in the price list). 我们的交货方式是国际贸易术语解释通则项下的CIP(地点是价格单中提到的地点)。

2.2 Our offers are subject to change and are non-binding unless expressly stated otherwise. All orders shall be deemed to be an offer by the Customer to purchase goods, subject to the terms of these Terms and Conditions. A contract is only formed - even in ongoing business transactions - when we confirm Customer's order in writing or deliver the goods. Our order confirmation shall determine the conditions of the contract. In case of immediate delivery, our invoice shall replace our order confirmation. The contract between us and the Customer for the sale and purchase of the goods in accordance with these Terms and Conditions shall be hereinafter referred to as “the Contract”. 除非另有明确说明,否则我们的报价可能会发生变化,并且不具有约束力。 所有订单均应被视为客户购买商品的要约,但须遵守本条款的规定。 只有在我们以书面形式确认客户的订单或交付货物时,合同才会成立 - 即使在正在进行的商业交易中也是如此。我们的订单确认将确定合同的条件。如果立即交货,我们的发票将替代我们的订单确认。我们与客户之间根据本条款订立的买卖货物的合同在下文中称为“合同”。

2.3 Our obligation to deliver an item of which only the category has been defined shall not mean that we have assumed the risk of procurement. We shall only be obligated to supply goods at hand. We shall only be deemed to have given a guaranty if we expressly guaranteed a certain property in writing. 我们有义务交付定义类别的物品,这并不意味着我们承担了采购风险。我们只有义务提供在手的货物。只有当我们以书面形式明确保证某项财产时,我们才会被视为已提供担保。


3.1 The qualities of product samples are only binding to the extent we explicitly agreed in writing to such qualities of the goods. 产品样品的质量仅在我们以书面形式明确同意的范围内对货物的此类质量具有约束力。

3.2 We hereby reserve all ownership and intellectual property rights regarding any product samples, illustrations, drawings, data, cost estimates and other documents regarding our products that we provided to the Customer. This does not apply to product samples the Customer has used in the ordinary course of business. The Customer is obligated not to disclose our product samples, data and/or documents listed in the first sentence of this paragraph to any third party without our prior written consent. 我们特此保留我们提供给客户的任何产品样品、插图、图纸、数据、成本估算和其他文件的所有所有权和知识产权。这不适用于客户在正常业务过程中使用的产品样品。未经我们事先书面同意,客户有义务不向任何第三方披露本段第一句中列出的产品样品、数据和/或文件。

3.3 The provisions pursuant to Sections 3.1 and 3.2 shall also apply to documents, drawings or data provided by the Customer. We do, however, reserve the right to make these available to any third parties who are permissibly taking care of our contractual delivery obligations or are our agents or suppliers. 第 3.1 条和第 3.2 条的规定也适用于客户提供的文件、图纸或数据。但是,我们保留将这些信息提供给任何履行我们合同交付义务的第三方或作为我们的代理或供应商的权利。


4.1 Unless otherwise agreed to in writing, the quality of the goods is exclusively determined by our product specifications as set out in our technical data sheet. 除非另有书面约定,否则货物的质量完全由我们的技术数据表中规定的产品规格决定。

4.2 Information on product quality and shelf life including other product information shall only constitute a warranty if we explicitly qualified it as such. All other warranties and guarantees, express or implied, and whether arising by operation of law or custom, including but not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose either alone or in conjunction with other materials are disclaimed. 关于产品质量和保质期的信息,包括其他产品信息,只有在我们明确认可的情况下才构成保证。所有其他明示或默示的保证和承诺,无论是否因法律或惯例的实施而产生,包括但不限于任何关于适销性和/或适合于特定目的的默示保证,单独或与其他材料一起,均不予认可。

4.3 Our technical advice - whether verbal, in writing and/or tests - is based on current knowledge. It is the Customer’s responsibility to examine the quality and test the goods as to their fitness for a particular purpose. The same is true of potential infringement of third parties’ intellectual property rights. 我们的技术建议 - 无论是口头、书面和/或测试 - 都是基于当前的知识。客户有责任检查货物的质量并测试其是否适合特定用途。对于可能侵犯第三方知识产权的行为也是如此。


5.1 Unless otherwise agreed, invoiced amounts are due for payment to our bank account within 30 days of the date of invoice in RMB without any deductions. Irrespective of the place of delivery of the goods, our registered office shall be the place for fulfilment of Customer’s payment obligations. 除非另有约定,否则发票金额应在发票开具之日起 30 天内以人民币支付到我们的银行账户,不得有任何扣除。无论货物的交付地点在哪,我们的注册地均应是履行客户付款义务的地点。

5.2 In the event of arrears of payment, we have the right to require the customer to pay 5% of the payment due for each late day from the payment due date until the payment is paid in full. At the same time, we reserve the right to claim additional damages. 如果出现拖欠付款的情况,本公司有权要求客户自付款到期日起每逾期一天支付应付款项的5%,直至付款全部付清。同时,我们保留要求额外赔偿的权利。

5.3 In case of goods being exported, any costs relating to the transfer or payment of funds shall be borne by the Customer to the extent they arise in the country of the Customer. 如果货物出口,对于在客户所在国产生的与资金转移或支付有关的任何费用,应由客户承担。

5.4 Any acceptance of an order and the performance of delivery can be predicated onto the provision of a security deposit or prepayment. We may also demand payment concurrently with the delivery of the goods. 任何对订单的接受和交货的履行都以提供保证金或预付款为前提。我们也可能要求在交付货物的同时付款。

5.5 Any rights of retention or set-off can only be claimed by the Customer for counterclaims that are undisputed or have been determined by final legal judgment. The Customer may only exercise any rights of retention if its counterclaim arises from the same contractual relationship. 只有在无争议的反诉或经最终生效判决支持的反诉的情况下,客户才能据此主张留置权或抵销。只有当客户的反诉源于同一合同关系时,客户才能行使任何留置权。


6.1 Any dates quoted for delivery are approximate only, and the time of delivery is not of the essence. All binding delivery dates shall require an expressly written agreement in order to be valid. In case of non-binding or approximate delivery dates, we will do our best to honor these requests. Any unilateral requests stipulated by the Customer shall not be binding on us unless we have expressly agreed to them in writing. We must confirm any transactions specifying fixed delivery dates for which time is of the essence to be valid. 任何报价的交货日期都只是近似值,交货时间并不确定。所有具有约束力的交货日期均需有明确的书面协议才能生效。在不具约束力或大致交货日期的情况下,我们将尽最大努力满足这些要求。除非我们以书面形式明确同意,否则客户规定的任何单方面请求均不对我们具有约束力。我们必须确认任何指定固定交货日期的交易,其中时间至关重要。

6.2 If for reasons beyond our control and despite maintaining a reasonable stock or in the event of a force majeure, we (a) do not receive deliveries or services from our suppliers, (b) do not receive them properly and completely; (c) do not receive them on time, we shall inform the Customer timely in writing. In such a case, we are entitled to delay delivery for the period of the hindrance or withdraw from the Contract in whole or in part in relation to the non-performed part provided that we have met our obligation to inform the Customer and we have not assumed any risk of procurement. A force majeure includes strikes, lockouts, actions of governmental, parliamentary or local authorities, scarcity of energy and raw materials, transportation difficulties, acts of God, war, terror, machine damage, fire, flood, any natural phenomenon, epidemics/pandemics, any hindrances to operations and any other hindrances which are beyond our control. In the event we and the Customer have agreed to a delivery date or delivery deadline and this is not met due to an occurrence listed in this Section 6.2, the Customer may, after the expiry of a subsequent further reasonable deadline, withdraw from the Contract with respect to the non-performed part of such Contract, if it would be objectively unreasonable for the Customer to continue to be bound by the Contract. In such a case, Customer shall have no other rights. 如果由于我们无法控制的原因,我们 (a) 没有收到供应商的交付或服务,(b) 没有正确和完整地收到供应商的交付或服务;(c) 未按时收到,尽管保持了合理的库存或发生不可抗力,我们将及时书面通知客户。在我们已履行通知客户的义务,并且我们没有承担任何采购风险的情况下,我方有权在受阻期间延迟交货,或全部或部分撤销与未履行部分有关的合同。不可抗力包括罢工、停工、政府、议会或地方当局的行动、能源和原材料的短缺、运输困难、天灾、战争、恐怖、机器损坏、火灾、洪水、任何自然现象、传染病/流行病、任何运营障碍以及我们无法控制的任何其他障碍。如果我方和客户约定了一个交付日期或交付截止日期,但由于本6.2条所列的事件而未能满足该日期或截止日期,如果客户继续受本合同约束在客观上是不合理的,则客户可以在随后的另一个合理截止日期届满后,就该合同中未履行的部分退出合同。在此情况下,客户没有其他权利。

6.3 In the event of force majeure and/or incomplete, improper or late delivery of our suppliers pursuant to Section 6.2 we are entitled – apart from the rights offset forth in Section 6.2 – to make partial deliveries of the goods, split the available quantity of goods among our customers, including affiliated companies, at our sole discretion or choose to completely postpone delivery. We shall notify the Customer in time in writing accordingly. We will complete the delayed delivery of goods once the force majeure event and/or incomplete, improper or late delivery of our suppliers pursuant to Section 6.2 has ended. The Customer’s rights pursuant to Section 6.2 shall remain unaffected. 如果发生不可抗力和/或根据第 6.2 条的规定,我们的供应商交付不完整、不当或延迟交付,除第 6.2 条中规定的权利外,我们有权自行决定部分交付货物、在我们的客户(包括关联公司)之间分配可用数量的货物或选择完全推迟交付。我们将及时以书面形式通知客户。一旦不可抗力事件和/或供应商根据第 6.2 条的不完整、不当或延迟交付结束,我们将完成货物的延迟交付。客户根据第 6.2 条享有的权利不受影响。

6.4 Any claims for damages by the Customer due to delays in delivery shall be limited to a maximum amount of 0.5 % of the net delivery price of the delayed goods per completed week of delay, but totaling no more than a maximum of 5 % of the net delivery price. In case such delay relates to a willful act or gross negligence or a breach of a substantial contractual duty (as defined in Section 10.1), the statutory liability shall apply. Such liability, however, shall be limited to the foreseeable damage in the event of a negligent breach of a substantial contractual duty. 客户因交货延迟而提出的任何损害索赔,最高限额为每延迟一周索赔延迟货物净交货价格的 0.5%,但总额最高不超过净交货价格的 5%。如果此类延误与故意行为或重大过失或违反实质性合同义务(定义见第 10.1 条)有关,则应适用法定责任。但是,这种责任应限于因疏忽而违反重大合同义务时可预见的损害。

6.5 If a Customer sets a reasonable subsequent deadline after a delay in delivery and such deadline expires without performance, the Customer may withdraw from the Contract. The Customer shall be entitled to claim damages due to non-performance in the amount of the foreseeable damage only if such non-performance relates to a willful act or gross negligence or is a breach of a substantial contractual duty (as defined in Section 10.1). 如果客户在延迟交货后设定了合理的后续截止期限,并且该期限到期而未履行,则客户可以退出合同。只有当不履行与故意行为或重大过失有关,或违反实质性合同义务(定义见第 10.1 条)时,客户才有权要求因未履行而造成的损害赔偿,金额为可预见的损害。

6.6 The limitations of liability in accordance with Sections 6.4 and 6.5 shall not apply where the Customer and we have agreed fixed delivery dates for which time is of the essence. The same applies in the event the Customer can claim that because of the delay - for which we are responsible - an immediate claim for damages should apply instead of performance. 在客户和我们已约定了固定交货日期,且该交货时间至关重要的情况下,第 6.4 条和第 6.5 条的责任限制将不适用。这同样适用于,客户声称因我们导致的延误其应立即要求赔偿而不再要求履行的情况。

6.7 We shall not be considered to be in default of untimely or incomplete delivery when the Customer is in default of performing obligations he has towards us, even if resulting from other Contracts. 当客户未能履行其对我们的义务时,即使是由于其他合同,我们也不应被视为未能及时或不完整交付。

6.8 We shall determine the means of transportation and the transportation route. We shall, however, take into consideration the Customer’s preferences about means and route of transportation. Any additional costs resulting therefrom, including an agreed free freight delivery, shall be borne by the Customer. 我们将确定运输工具和运输路线。但是,我们将考虑客户对运输方式和路线的偏好。由此产生的任何额外费用,包括约定的免费运费,应由客户承担。

7. PRICES 价格

7.1 The agreed upon prices shall apply to all orders placed with us. These prices are quoted in RMB except where otherwise specified. 商定的价格适用于向我方订购的所有订单。除另有说明外,这些价格均以人民币报价。

7.2 The price is exclusive of all present and future taxes, duties and other fiscal or public charges other than taxes measured by income such as Value Added Tax and other compulsory payments levied by competent authorities on or with respect to the sale, delivery, transport or use of the goods; all such levies being for Customer’s account. 该价格不包括所有当前和未来的税收、关税和其他财政或公共费用,但以收入衡量的税收除外,如增值税和主管当局就货物的销售、交付、运输或使用征收的其他强制性付款;所有税收费用由客户承担。

7.3 VAT and excise tax exemptions granted on Customer’s request in accordance with legislation or administrative regulations imposed by any lawful authority, shall be the exclusive responsibility of Customer, who will indemnify us for VAT and/or excise tax liabilities, which we might have to pay based on the actual destination and use of the goods. 根据任何合法当局实施的法律或行政法规,根据客户的要求给予的增值税和消费税豁免,应由客户全权负责,客户将赔偿我们可能需要根据货物的实际目的地和用途支付的增值税和/或消费税责任。

7.4 Unless agreed otherwise, the prices shall be quoted per kg/net, pursuant to INCOTERM clause stated in the order confirmation, duty unpaid, excluding transportation and freight costs, for delivery in non-returnable drums and/or intermediate bulk containers. Transportation and freight costs are charged separately. If the Customer desires delivery of the goods in smaller packaging like non-returnable pails and canisters, the price increases by the pail surcharge that is valid on the day the invoice is issued. If the Customer demands transport by express or airfreight, we will charge any additional costs. 除非另有约定,否则根据订单确认书中规定的国际贸易术语解释通则,价格应按每公斤/净价报价,未缴纳关税,不包括运输和运费,以不可回收的桶和/或中型散装集装箱交付。运费应另行收取。如果客户希望以较小的包装(如不可回收的桶和罐)交付货物,则价格将按发票开具之日有效的桶附加费增加。如果客户要求通过快递或空运运输,我们将收取任何额外费用。

7.5 Unless otherwise agreed, invoiced amounts are due for payment to our nominated bank account within 30 days of the date of invoice without any deductions in the currency stated on the invoice. 除非另有约定,否则发票金额应在发票开具之日起 30 天内支付到我们指定的银行账户,发票上注明的货币金额不得有任何扣除。

7.6 We are entitled to reasonable unilateral price increases where there is any increase in material procurement or production costs, taxes, wages or salary or social security costs as well as energy costs and costs for environmental protection, provided that the time between the effective date of the Contract and delivery date is more than three months. Any increase in terms of the above is not possible where the increase of costs of any of the above named factors is set-off by a decrease in costs of any of the above factors in relation to the total costs for the production and delivery of the goods. 如果材料采购或生产成本、税收、工资或薪金或社会保障成本以及能源成本和环境保护成本有任何增加,我们有权合理地单方面提高价格,前提是合同生效日期和交货日期之间的时间超过三个月。如果上述任何因素的成本增加与上述任何因素的成本减少相抵消,则不会增加价格。


8.1 The risk in the goods shall pass to the Customer on completion of delivery. 货物的风险应在交货完成后转移给客户。

8.2 Title to the goods shall not pass to the Customer until the earlier of: 货物的所有权不得转移给客户,直到以下时间(以较早者为准):

8.2.1 us receiving payment in full (in cash or cleared funds) for the goods and any other goods that we have supplied to the Customer in respect of which payment has become due, in which case title to the goods shall pass at the time of payment of all such sums; and我们收到货物的全额付款(现金或清算资金)并且我们已收到向客户提供的任何其他货物的付款,在这种情况下,货物的所有权应在支付所有此类款项时转移;和

8.2.2 the Customer reselling the goods, in which case title to the goods shall pass to the Customer at the time specified in Section 8.4. 客户转售货物,在这种情况下,货物的所有权应在第 8.4 条规定的时间转移给客户。

8.3 Until title to the goods has passed to the Customer, the Customer shall: 在货物所有权转移给客户之前,客户应:

8.3.1 store the goods separately from all other goods held by the Customer so that they remain readily identifiable as our property; 将货物与客户持有的所有其他货物分开存放,以便它们易于识别为我们的财产;

8.3.2 not pledge or grant any security over the goods; 不对货物设定质押或担保;

8.3.3 not remove, deface or obscure any identifying mark or packaging on or relating to the goods; 不得移除、污损或遮盖货物上或与货物有关的任何识别标记或包装;

8.3.4 maintain the goods in satisfactory condition and keep them insured against all risks for their full price from the date of delivery; 保持货物处于令人满意的状态,并自交货之日起为货物投保一切险;

8.3.5 notify us immediately if it becomes subject to any of the events listed in Section 11.1; and如果受到第 11.1 条中列出的任何事件的影响,请立即通知我们;和

8.3.6 give us such information relating to the goods as we may require from time to time. 向我们提供我们可能不时要求的与货物有关的信息。

8.4 Subject to Section 8.5, the Customer may resell or use the goods in the ordinary course of its business (but not otherwise) before we receive payment for the goods. However, if the Customer resells the goods before that time: 根据第 8.5 条的规定,在我们收到货款之前,客户可以在其正常业务过程中转售或使用货物(但不得以其他方式)。但是,如果客户在此之前转售货物:

8.4.1 it does so as principal and not as our agent; and它是以其本人而不是作为我们的代理人这样做的;和

8.4.2 title to the goods shall pass from us to the Customer immediately before the time at which resale by the Customer occurs. 货物的所有权应在客户转售之前从我们转移给客户。

8.5 If before title to the goods passes to the Customer the Customer becomes subject to any of the events listed in Section 11.1, then, without limiting any other right or remedy we may have: 如果在货物所有权转移给客户之前,客户受到第 11.1 条中列出的任何事件的约束,则在不限制任何其他权利或补救措施的情况下,我们可能拥有:

8.5.1 the Customer’s right to resell the goods or use them in the ordinary course of its business ceases immediately; and客户转售货物或在其正常业务过程中使用货物的权利立即终止;和8.5.2 we may at any time: 我们可以随时: require the Customer to deliver up all goods in its possession that have not been resold, or irrevocably incorporated into another product; and要求客户交付其拥有的所有未转售的货物或已不可逆地合并到其他产品中的货物;和 if the Customer fails to deliver up goods promptly following a request to do so under above, enter any premises of the Customer or of any third party where the goods are stored in order to recover them. 如果客户未能按照上述 的要求及时交付货物,进入客户或存放货物的任何第三方的任何场所以取回货物。


9.1 The Customer shall immediately inspect the goods upon delivery for any defects regarding their quantity and quality, and shall notify us of any defects without delay, but no later than within 14 days of delivery; otherwise the goods will be deemed to have been approved. The Customer shall notify us of any defects not detectable by such an inspection immediately upon their discovery. The Customer shall file any complaints in writing specifying the order-, batch-, invoice- and shipping numbers. 客户应在交货后立即检查货物是否存在数量和质量方面的任何缺陷,并应立即通知我们任何缺陷,但不得迟于交货后 14 天内;否则,货物将被视为已接受。客户应在发现此类检查无法检测到的任何缺陷后立即通知我们。客户应以书面形式提出任何投诉,并注明订单号、批号、发票号和运输号。 A complaint not filed in time shall bar the Customer from asserting any claims of non-compliance on grounds of mal-performance. 未及时提交的投诉将禁止客户以履约不当为由提出任何不合规索赔。 The Customer shall notify us of any hidden defects immediately upon having become detectable, but no later than 14 days upon their discovery. All complaints regarding defects shall always contain reasonably detailed description of the defect. 客户应在检测到任何隐藏缺陷后立即通知我们,但不得迟于发现后的14天内。所有关于缺陷的投诉应始终包含对缺陷的合理详细描述。

9.2 Any notice of defect under Section 9.1 must be in writing. Any notice of defect not complying with the formalities, shall also exclude any right of the Customer to make a claim based on defects. 第 9.1 条规定的任何缺陷通知必须采用书面形式。如果缺陷通知不符合该等流程,则排除客户无权对缺陷提出索赔。

9.3 Upon the commencement of processing, connecting or mixing with other goods, the Customer shall be deemed to have duly accepted the delivered goods in the event of recognizable defects. The same shall apply in the event the goods are transported further than the original place of destination. 在开始加工、或与其他货物连接或混合时,如果存在可识别的缺陷,客户应被视为已正式接受交付的货物。这样同样适用于货物已从交货地运走的情况。

9.4 In case of any recognizable defect, the Customer must leave the respective goods in the transport container, so we can verify the complaint, unless we expressly waive the right to such by way of written declaration and the Customer ensures the separate storage of the respective goods. 如果出现任何可识别的缺陷,客户必须将相应的货物留在运输容器中,以便我们可以核实投诉,除非我们通过书面声明明确放弃此权利,并且客户确保该货物的单独存储。

9.5 If the Customer has notified us of defects in time, we shall either rectify the defect or deliver defect-free goods free of charge (subsequent performance). In case of any delivery recourse, the Customer shall have the right of choice. Before sending back any goods, the Customer shall obtain our permission. Any returned goods shall become our property. If we do not rectify any defect or we do not provide a replacement for the defective goods within a reasonably set deadline, or if any subsequent performance is not successful (whereby we are allowed two attempts), or if we refuse to provide subsequent performance or if such is not reasonable for us, the Customer may, in accordance with the provisions of law, terminate the Contract, reduce the price, claim compensation for expenses as well as damages within the terms set forth in Section 10. Any right to terminate the Contract or right to reduce the price shall only apply in case of significant defects. The right to assert claims for damages in accordance with Section 10 shall remain unaffected. 如果客户及时通知我们缺陷,我们将纠正缺陷或免费交付无缺陷的货物(后续履行)。如果有任何交货追索权,客户应有权选择。在寄回任何货物之前,客户应征得我们的许可。任何退回的货物都将成为我们的财产。如果我们不纠正任何缺陷,或者我们没有在合理设定的期限内更换有缺陷的货物,或者如果任何后续履行不成功(我们被允许尝试两次),或者如果我们拒绝提供后续履行,或者如果这对我们来说不合理,客户可以, 根据第10条规定的条款,依法终止合同,降低价格,要求赔偿费用和损害赔偿。任何终止合同的权利或降低价格的权利仅适用于重大缺陷。根据第 10 条主张损害赔偿的权利不受影响。

9.6 Any claims for defects shall be made within one year upon delivery of the goods. This time restriction does not apply to Sections 10.1 (1) through (7). 任何缺陷索赔应在货物交付后一年内提出。此时间限制不适用于第 10.1 (1) 至 (7) 条。


10.1 We shall only be liable for willful acts or gross negligence by us. Any liability for minor negligence committed by us shall be excluded. The exemption from liability does not apply to我们仅对我们的故意行为或重大过失负责。对于我们所犯的轻微过失,应当予以免责。免责不适用于(1) any injury to life, personal injury or injury to health, 任何生命伤害、人身伤害或健康伤害, (2) deceit, or欺骗,或(3) any other instances of mandatory legal liability under the China Product Quality Law or other applicable laws.中国产品质量法》或其他适用法律规定的任何其他强制性法律责任的情况。

10.2 We shall be only liable for typical and foreseeable damages as long as we cannot be accused of an intentional breach of any obligations and there is no injury to life, personal injury, injury to health or any other case of mandatory legal liability.只要我们没有故意违反任何义务,并且没有生命伤害、人身伤害、健康伤害或任何其他强制性法律责任的情况,我们只对典型和可预见的损害负责。

10.3 Any liability for damages for loss of profits that the Customer is able to obtain should there be no breach, is hereby excluded as long as it is not the result of a willful act or gross negligence.任何客户在假设不存在违约的情况下本应能够获得的利润损失的责任均应被排除,除非是故意行为或重大过失导致的。

10.4 Any further liability for damages other than that set forth in the above Sections is excluded – regardless of the underlying legal theory or whether for negligence, breach of contract, misrepresentation or otherwise for losses or damages incurred by the Customer as a result of third party claims. This is particularly true for any claims for damages due to negligence at the time of entering into the Contract, based on other breaches of duties or any tort claims for damages pursuant to Chinese Civil Code.除上述各条所述责任外,任何进一步的损害赔偿责任均被排除在外——无论其基于何等法理或基于疏忽、违约、错误的声明或因其他原因导致的客户因第三方索赔遭受的损失或损害。对于因签订合同时的疏忽、基于其他违反义务的行为或根据《中国民法典》提出的任何侵权损害赔偿要求尤其如此。

10.5 To the extent permitted by applicable laws, any claims of the Customer for damages arising out of this contractual relationship can only be made within one year from the commencement of the statute of limitations. This does not apply to cases pursuant to Sections 10.1 (1) through (3). 在适用法律允许的范围内,客户对因本合同关系引起的损害提出的任何索赔只能在诉讼时效开始后一年内提出。这不适用于根据第 10.1 (1) 至 (3) 条的情况。

10.6 The above provisions do not constitute a reversal of the burden of proof. 上述规定不构成举证责任倒置。


11.1 Without limiting its other rights or remedies, we may terminate any Contract with immediate effect by giving written notice to the Customer if: 在不限制其他权利或补救措施的情况下,如果出现以下情况,我们可以通过向客户发出书面通知立即终止任何合同:

11.1.1 the Customer commits a material breach of any term of these Terms and Conditions and fails to remedy that breach within 7 days of being notified in writing to do so; 客户严重违反本条款的任一约定,并且未能在收到书面通知后 7 天内纠正该违约行为;

11.1.2 the Customer takes or is taken, any step or action by or against it, in connection with its entering administration, provisional liquidation or any composition or arrangement with its creditors (other than in relation to a solvent restructuring), winding up (whether voluntarily or by order of the court, unless for the purpose of a solvent restructuring), or the Customer has a receiver appointed to any of its assets or ceases to carry on business or, if the step or action is taken by or against the Customer in another jurisdiction, in connection with any analogous procedure in the relevant jurisdiction; 客户进入管理、临时清算或与债权人的任何和解或安排(与偿付能力重组有关的除外)、清盘(无论是自愿还是根据法院命令,除非是为了偿付能力重组)、或客户为其任何资产指定接管人或停止经营业务或采取任何步骤或行动或被采取任何针对客户的此类步骤或行动, 如果该步骤或行动是在另一司法管辖区由或者针对客户采取的,则与相关司法管辖区的任何类似程序有关;

11.1.3 the Customer suspends, threatens to suspend, ceases or threatens to cease to carry on all or a substantial part of its business; or客户暂停、威胁暂停、停止或威胁停止开展其全部或大部分业务;或

11.1.4 the Customer's financial position deteriorates to such an extent that in our opinion the Customer's capability to adequately fulfil its obligations under such contract for the purchase of goods has been placed in jeopardy. 客户的财务状况恶化到我们认为客户充分履行其在此类合同项下购买货物的义务的能力已受到威胁。

11.2 Without limiting its other rights or remedies, we may suspend provision of the goods under the Contract or any other contract between the Customer and us if the Customer becomes subject to any of the events listed in Section 11.1.1 to Section 11.1.4, or if we reasonably believe that the Customer is about to become subject to any of them, or if the Customer fails to pay any amount due to us under the Contract or any other contract on the due date for payment. 在不限制其他权利或补救措施的情况下,如果客户遭受第 11.1.1 至第 11.1.4 条中列出的任何事件,或者如果我们有理由相信客户即将遭受其中任何事件,或者如果客户未能在付款到期日支付合同或任何其他合同项下应付给我们的任何款项,我们可以暂停该合同下或客户与我们之间的任何其他合同下的供货。

11.3 Without limiting its other rights or remedies, we may terminate the Contract with immediate effect by giving written notice to the Customer if the Customer fails to pay any amount due under the Contract on the due date for payment. 在不限制其他权利或补救措施的情况下,如果客户未能在付款到期日支付合同项下的任何应付款项,我们可以向客户发出书面通知,立即终止合同。

11.4 On termination of the Contract for any reason the Customer shall immediately pay to us all of our outstanding unpaid invoices and interest and, in respect of goods ordered but for which no invoice has been submitted, we shall submit an invoice, which shall be payable by the Customer immediately on receipt; 在合同因任何原因终止时,客户应立即向我们支付所有未付的发票金额和利息,对于已订购但未提交发票的货物,我们将提交发票,客户应在收到发票后立即支付;

11.5 Termination of the Contract shall not affect any of the parties' rights and remedies that have accrued as at termination, including the right to claim damages in respect of any breach of this Contract that existed at or before the date of termination. 合同的终止不应影响双方在终止时产生的任何权利和补救措施,包括就终止之日或之前存在的任何违反本合同的行为要求损害赔偿的权利。

11.6 Any provision of the Contract that expressly or by implication is intended to come into or continue in force on or after termination shall remain in full force and effect. 合同中任何明示或暗示的在终止时或终止后生效或继续有效的条款应保持完全有效。


We store and process personal data provided by the Customer in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, as far as is necessary for establishing, defining, executing or changing the contractual relationship. 在建立、定义、执行或变更合同关系所需范围内,我们会根据适用的法律和法规存储和处理客户提供的个人数据。


13.1 The Customer shall hold in strict confidence all facts, documents and information (about Goods) which the Customer gains knowledge of in the course of the contractual relationship with us, which includes technical, financial, business and market-related information about the company or our Goods, provided that we have declared the respective information as confidential or there is an obvious interest in the confidentiality (hereinafter referred to as “Confidential Information“). The Customer will use the Confidential Information exclusively for the purpose of implementing and executing the contractual relationship with us. 客户应对在与我们的合同关系存续过程中所知悉的所有(有关货物的)事实、文件和信息严格保密,包括与公司或我们的货物有关的技术、财务、商业和市场相关信息,但前提是我们已明示相关信息为保密信息或对其存在明显的保密利益(以下简称“保密信息”)。客户仅可为履行和执行与我们的合同关系之目的使用保密信息。

13.2 The Customer shall require from its directors, officers and employees, who process or get to know the Confidential Information, equal confidentiality and restricted use obligations not less strict than herein. The passing-on of Confidential Information to third parties by the Customer requires our express prior consent in writing or via e-mail. 客户应要求其处理或知悉保密信息之董事、职员和员工,须遵守不低于本条款规定的同等保密和限制使用义务。客户将保密信息传递给第三方前,应经我们通过书面或电子邮件形式事先明确同意。

13.3 The above obligations of confidentiality and restricted use shall not apply if the Customer can prove that the respective Confidential Information: 如客户能够证明的,则以下保密信息不适用上述保密和限制使用义务:(a) is in the public domain at the time of disclosure; 在披露时已存在于公知领域中; (b) is published or otherwise becomes part of the public domain through no fault of the Customer; 非因客户的过错而被公开或成为公知领域的一部分;(c) was in the possession of the Customer at the time of disclosure; 在披露前保密信息已被客户所占有;(d) was made available to the Customer by a third party who had the right to legally disclose it; 已由具有合法披露权的第三方提供给客户; (e) was independently developed by the Customer without using or making any reference to the Confidential Information; 由客户独立开发且未使用或参考保密信息;(f) is required to be disclosed pursuant to a law, regulation, rule or ordinance of any governmental body or court provided that the Customer - if legally permitted - has given prompt written notice to us of any such requirement. 根据法律、法规、规则或任何政府机构或法院的规定要求披露的信息,前提是客户已(在法律允许范围内)向我们及时书面通知此类要求。


The Customer is obligated to comply with all applicable laws regarding the Goods, especially anti-corruption regulations, regulations combating money laundering or financing of terrorism and anti-trust laws. Applicable anti-corruption regulations within the meaning of the previous sentence include but are not limited to the UK Bribery Act 2010 and the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. 客户有义务遵守针对货物的所有适用法律,特别是反腐败法规、反洗钱或资助恐怖主义的法规和反垄断法。前述提及的适用的反腐败法规包括但不限于英国《2010年反贿赂法》和美国《反海外腐败法》。


15.1 The Goods are – unless otherwise agreed in writing - always designated to remain, to be used, as well as to be sold in the first country of delivery agreed upon with the Customer. Unless required by law or otherwise agreed in writing, we are under no obligation to make available documents to the Customer for the import or export of the Goods from the first country of delivery. If we do make such information available to the Customer on an individual basis, this shall be done without any warranty or guarantee of the accuracy of the information. This does not give the Customer any right to obtain or use this information from us for any future business. 除非另有书面约定,货物应始终在与客户约定的第一交货国停留、使用和出售。除非法律另行要求或另有书面约定,我们无义务向客户提供从第一交货国进口或出口货物的文件。如果我们在个案情形下向客户提供此类信息,则我们不就信息的准确性作出任何保证。前述不意味着客户有权就任何未来业务从我们处获取或使用该等信息。

15.2 The export of certain Goods may be subject to authorisation – e.g. because of their nature, their intended use or their final destination. The Customer shall strictly comply with all applicable (re-) export control and sanctions regulations, especially those of the Federal Republic of Germany, the European Union and its member states as well as the United States of America and the United Nations. 某些货物的出口可能需要授权,例如因其性质、预期用途或最终目的地的原因。客户应严格遵守所有适用的(重新)出口管制和制裁法规,特别是德意志联邦共和国、欧盟及其成员国以及美国和联合国的相关法规。

15.3 Prior to any provision of the Goods, which the Customer had purchased from us to a third party, the Customer shall check and guarantee in particular by appropriate measures that在客户向任何第三方提供从我们采购的货物前,客户应检查并特别通过适当措施确保(a) no embargo imposed by the European Union and its member states, by the United States of America and/ or by the United Nations shall be violated; 不违反欧盟及其成员国、美国和/或联合国实施的任何禁令;(b) the Goods are not intended for use in connection with armaments, nuclear technology or weapons, if and to the extent such use is subject to prohibition or authorization, unless it has obtained the required authorization; 货物不用于与武装、核技术或核武器有关的被禁止或需要授权的用途,除非该等用途已获得所需的授权;(c) the regulations of all applicable Sanctioned Party Lists of the European Union and its member states and the United States of America concerning the trading with entities, persons and organizations listed therein are obeyed. 遵守欧盟及其成员国和美国所有有关与列入其中的实体、个人和组织进行贸易所适用的《受制裁方名单》的规定。

15.4 Upon request, the Customer shall provide us with all requested end-use-certificates regarding the intended final destination of the Goods purchased from us without undue delay, but no later than within 10 days.如有要求,客户应向我们提供与从我们采购的货物的最终目的地有关的所有要求的使用证明,提供不应无故迟延且不得晚于10天内。

15.5 The Customer shall indemnify and hold us harmless from and against any claim, proceeding, action, fine, loss, cost and damages arising out of or relating to any culpable violation of the above obligations pursuant to sections 14.1 to 14.4. The Customer shall compensate us for all losses and expenses resulting thereof, in particular the costs and expenses of any possible legal defence as well as any contingent fines or penalties imposed by authorities. This provision does shall not lead to a reversal of the burden of proof.客户应赔偿并使我们免受因违反根据第14.1至14.4条规定的上述义务而引起的或与之相关的任何索赔、诉讼、法律行动、罚款、损失、费用和损害。客户应赔偿我们因此而产生的所有损失和费用,特别是任何潜在的法律抗辩费用及开支以及政府机关可能处以的任何罚款或罚金。本条规定不应导致举证责任倒置。

15.6 If obligations pursuant to this section 14 would constitute a breach of any applicable mandatory anti-boycott rule legislated by the European Union or any of its member states, such conflicting obligations shall not be fulfilled. 如果本第14条的义务违反欧盟或其任何成员国立法规定的任何适用的强制性反抵制规则,则不应履行该等相冲突的义务。

16. GENERAL 一般条款

16.1 The Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes and extinguishes all previous agreements, promises, assurances, warranties, representations and understandings between them, whether written or oral, relating to its subject matter. 本合同构成双方之间的完整协议,并取代双方之间先前就其主题达成的所有书面或口头协议、承诺、保证、保证、陈述和谅解。

16.2. Each party agrees that it shall have no remedies in respect of any statement, representation, assurance or warranty (whether made innocently or negligently) that is not set out in this agreement. Each party agrees that it shall have no claim for innocent or negligent misrepresentation or negligent misstatement based on any statement in this agreement. 各方同意,对于本协议中未载明的任何声明、陈述、保证或保证(无论是无意还是疏忽),其均不享有任何补救措施。各方同意,不得根据本协议中的任何陈述对无辜或疏忽的虚假陈述或疏忽的错误陈述提出索赔。

16.3 No variation of the Contract shall be effective unless it is in writing and signed by the parties (or their authorized representatives). 除非以书面形式并由双方(或其授权代表)签署,否则合同的任何变更均无效。

16.4 No failure or delay by a party to exercise any right or remedy provided under the Contract or by law shall constitute a waiver of that or any other right or remedy, nor shall it prevent or restrict the further exercise of that or any other right or remedy. No single or partial exercise of such right or remedy shall prevent or restrict the further exercise of that or any other right or remedy. 任何一方未能或延迟行使合同或法律规定的任何权利或补救措施,均不构成对该权利或任何其他权利或补救措施的放弃,也不妨碍或限制其进一步行使该权利或任何其他权利或补救措施。任何单独或部分行使此类权利或补救措施均不得阻止或限制其进一步行使该权利或任何其他权利或补救措施。

16.5 If any provision or part-provision of the Contract is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed modified to the minimum extent necessary to make it valid, legal and enforceable. If such modification is not possible, the relevant provision or part-provision shall be deemed deleted. Any modification to or deletion of a provision or part-provision under this clause shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of the Contract. 如果合同的任何条款或部分条款无效、违法或不可执行,则应被视为在使其有效、合法和可执行的最低限度内进行修改。如果无法进行此类修改,则相关条款或部分条款应视为删除。对本条款项下条款或部分条款的任何修改或删除均不影响合同其余部分的有效性和可执行性。


17.1 All disputes arising out of or in connection with these Terms and Conditions and/or any Contract hereunder shall be finally settled under the Rules of Arbitration of China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission in accordance with the said Rules. The place of arbitration shall be Shanghai, China. The relevant language of the arbitration procedure is English. 因本条款和条件及/或本合同所引起的或与之有关的一切争议,应根据中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会的仲裁规则最终解决。仲裁地为中国上海。仲裁程序的相关语言为英语。

17.2 These Terms and Conditions and/or any Contract hereunder shall be governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China (for the purpose of these Terms and Conditions and/or any Contract hereunder, excluding the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Macau Special Administrative Region and Taiwan) without regard to its conflict-of-law provisions. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) shall not apply. 本条款和条件及/或本合同项下的任何合同均受中华人民共和国(为本条款及/或其所涉任何合同之目的,不包括香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区和台湾)法律管辖,不考虑其法律冲突条款。《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》(CISG)不适用本条款和条件。

17.3 If our order confirmations contain an INCOTERM clause, the respective applicable version of the latest INCOTERMS shall apply unless otherwise stated in our respective order confirmation. 如果我方订单确认书中包含国际贸易术语解释通则条款,除非我方订单确认书中另有说明,否则应适用最新国际贸易术语解释通则的相应版本。