Heat-Seal Coatings for Water Cups
Coatings for food packaging must guarantee a perfectly balanced combination of appearance, processability, user-friendliness and safety for consumers and the environment. We have many years of expertise in coatings that are suitable for direct food contact – even for sensitive filling goods such as water.
For this sample, we used a universal solvent-based heat seal coating that ensures a hermetic seal while not affecting the smell and taste of the water.

Do you have any questions? Contact us and we will be happy to advise you based on your individual requirements.

Production Details
Substrate: Aluminum/PET composite
Laquer: ACTEseal® HSC-427-TH
Application weight: 5 g/m2
Sealing temperature: 180°C
Sealing conditions: 1.0 s, 600 N, top jaw
Order your printed sample here.
Learn more about our ACTEseal® heat seal coatings here.